Thursday, July 28, 2005

College Hill Forum Candidates Night

Tuesday, July 28,2005 was Mayoral candidates night. It was held at the CRC Center located next to Aiken High School. Now this night had introduced 1 new candidate to me and on my Mayoral piece I left him and a woman out and I give my apologies. Justin Jeffrey was one of them and Sylvan Grisco (thanx dean of cincinnati) But sylvan grisco was not at this night. So anyway I did not here much of Justin Jeffrey in the past but on this night he was not unimpressive. On the other hand Alicia Reece was not impressive at all she didn't answer the questions that were given and when she did answer the questions they were not the right subject. David Pepper, he had to much to say about crime and not enough to say about all the other topics that were brought up in the meeting. Movin on, Charlie Winburn was taling about locking up people who stand on the corner, now there is so many things wrong with that sentence I just said first of all no one should be locked for standin on the corner wat is he crazy, see thats some the reasons we got evil police officers now. Mark Mallory was the only person I met in person he was a nice guy and during the meeting he stood up for wat was right like when Charlie Winburn was talkin bout locking up people who standin onthe corner Mark saud u cannot lock up people for standin on the corner which is very right, so I have a good impression of him and last but not least (trust me) Laketa Cole was there but I did not here alot from her but I can say she left right after the meeting instead of doing wat everyone else was doing which was getting more input from the people, but at least she waited till the meeting was over cuz Alicia Reece left before the meeting was over which was worse and it showed the people she thought she had something more important to do. But the night overall gave me a real new outlook on this mayoral election, so I guess now the battle will get a little more intresting....


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