Friday, August 05, 2005

Why do we deal with Cincinnati?

I have a question that I need to ask. Why do all the people who complain about the nati continue to live in it? I mean truthfully I hate Cincinnati. I am ashamed that i was even born in this place. I dont like the way the people who run Cincinnati think. They need a head check.
Someone asked me why do I always attack Alicia Reece. Well if you think about it I dont attack her personally, because i do not know her pesonally,but I do attack her career because she is one of the people in Cincinnati who need a head check. I have nothing against her personally I just do not like her politics,at all. But anyway If i could I would leave Cincinnati. But some Adults kill me talking all that mess about the Nati but scared to move out. Now people saying all the "ghetto" people are moving out to the suburbs but mostly the other version of that sentence is some black people are moving into white neighborhoods so people call those certain black people who wanna live better in a better neghborhood them people sitting on there "high throne" judging everybody call them ghetto, because if a wle lot of white people moved into the bad parts of town everyone would start calling them neighborhoods suburbs. Now I have to say something not all white people are like that,because some of those black folks moving to the surburbs are starting to think that they are better than the people who still live in those bad neighborhoods. But they are so wrong. See the twisted place we live in?


Blogger Someone said...

Here is why I don't leave: I just don't want to be one of those people who abandons his birth town because it is struggling. One big way for it to stop struggling is for people to stop leaving it.

This is hard, too. My wife and I are looking to buy a new house in the next year or two. The money we can afford in town will get us an old house with bad insulation and a modest year; the same money out in new developments would get a brand new house with more rooms and more yard...

5:36 AM  
Blogger Someone said...

*a modest "yard"...

5:37 AM  
Blogger The Sour Kraut said...

There are a number of reasons that many don't leave the city.

Some are obsessed with the dream that Cincinnati is better than it actually is. There are those like Joe Hanbauer that have this conviction that Cincinnati is an exciting bigcity and those that live in the suburbs are not as intellectual as people that live in the city. Convictions are a greater threat to truth than ignorance.

Some are tied into the city because they made the mistake of buying in the city. This is a commitment that many have come to regret including myself. One of the reasons the city administration want people to own housing is so that the city government has more control over home owners. If I could beam everything I have in Cincinnati out to Edgemont for instance, I would have ordered Scotty tp beam me up now.

Then there are those that hope things will change and there are a lot of these folks. When you think about it, Cincinnati is just a corporation; it has no heart. When some say Cincinati, they talk about people they have come to know. When you look at the numbers, they know as many or more from outside Cincinnati. But they have this conviction. Join a club or take a class and you will find that even though it might meet in Cincinnati, most live outside the city. I went to a Cincinnati high school class reunion and there were only a very small percentage the live in the city proper.

And with our so-called democratic form of government, all of the bad things that happen in the city that are not changed are that way because the majority of the people of Cincinnati allows it to happen. Now haw can this city be so great when it is filled with a majority that are dim-witted, backward, racist assholes?

Why people stay would fill a book and I am bored.


7:29 PM  
Blogger 5chw4r7z said...

I currently live downtown and love it. I have to admit that I am a transplant so I don’t have all the baggage that you may have. The funny thing is the other people I run into on weekends and evenings are all from other big cities. But one thing they all have in common is they love living downtown. I guess you have to be from somewhere else to really appreciate what Cincinnati has to offer.

One thing that gets me, as a Dago, is that there is so much German heritage here that’s its hard to find good Italian food. After a year of festivals at Sawyer Point tonight at the Black Family Reunion they had a stand selling…Italian sausage sandwiches, can you believe that?

6:20 PM  

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